- In Python, functions are objects as well! Therefore, we can assign functions to another function.
- By knowing this, we should prevent variable assignment to the reserved words in Python. (Python won't complain about this, but we will see bugs in our code.)

# functions are all object (用function assign 到另外一個function)
def Addition(a, b):
return a + b
def Substraction(a, b):
return a - b
print(Addition(10, 5)) # 執行上面Addtion function
Addition = Substraction # Addition 已經被 subtraction assign in (變成減法)
print(Addition(10, 5))
**# 把保留字改成 function 的問題 object is not callable
# string case 已經改成def function 就沒有再用原本的str功能**
**str** = "this is my string"
x = 25
print("Hello !" + str(x))
print("Hello !" + str(x))
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
**string** = "this is my string"
x = 25
print("Hello !" + str(x))
Hello !25