Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data: Improving the Password

  1. Day 30 Goals: what you will make by the end of the day

  2. Catching Exceptions: The try catch except finally Pattern

  3. Raising your own Exceptions

  4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] IndexError Handling

  5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] KeyError Handling

  6. Code Exercise: Exception Handling in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet Project

  7. Write, read and update JSON data in the Password Manager

  8. Challenge 1 - Handling Exceptions in the Password Manager

  9. Challenge 2 - Search for a Website in the Password Manager

Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data: Improving the Password

267. Day 30 Goals: what you will make by the end of the day

  1. 學習例外處理
  2. 增加Search 功能
  3. 改寫password manager 程式

268. Catching Exceptions: The try catch except finally Pattern